About Us

About us

Takalani Children's Home is a registered NPO (006-819)

Takalani children’s home was established in May 1988 by Rev P. L. Van Langeveld together with the Reformed Church Synod Soutpansberg. The home started with only 11 children in total. Rev Van Langeveld was serving as a spiritual Pastor at Siloam Hospital (His service was to give pastoral care to the patients at Siloam Hospital).  He came up with a vision of establishing a home for the abandoned, abused and orphaned children. He then approached the local Reformed churches under Synod Soutpansberg. The Synod welcomed the idea to establish a home for those children and appointed the board of directors to manage the home.

The home was built near Siloam Hospital since most children were found wandering there, though children from different areas are also considered due to the need. The hospital social worker, the late Mr. Landela played a very crucial role in ensuring proper legal processes were adhered to. TCH accommodates a maximum of 70 children and currently, the home has 39 girls and 31 boys.

Takalani children's home objectives

  • To provide appropriate accommodation for the children who are in need of care under the age of 18 years.
  • To provide a healthy diet and appropriate clothing for the children in the care of TCH.
  • To promote healthy development by meeting medical needs and educational needs of the children in the care of TCH.
  •  To create awareness of the needs and rights to all children in the care of TCH and to everyone associated with TCH.
  • To advocate, promote and support legislative and other measures designed to meet the needs and the rights of children.
  • To create opportunities for the children to explore their full creative and physical potential, as well as discover their talents and possible career path.
  • To take steps to remove conditions detrimental to the emotional and physical well-being of the children in the care of TCH.
  • To create opportunities for the children to participate in activities for spiritual enhancement.   

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